Being able to create and manage, making evolve and deploy smart and sustainable collaborative networks to face challenges and issues that need to cross advices, theories and practices from researcher from both academic from various specialities and industrialist from different domains: automotive, energy, transportation, food… As a consequence, only cooperation among three R&D axes including the socio-human, social-science and systems engineering can lead to the gather value in social and environmental global terms.
The ambition of the workshop is to bring together industrials and academics (1) to put forth collaborative challenges for industrial research, (2) to provide evidence of various forms of collaborative research programs and (3) to boost the emergence of new collaboration opportunities.
This workshop aims first to focus on challenges, needs and expected values of all stakeholders who are concerned or impacted by such challenges. It is second to make an overview of past and current R&D works, being either theoretical or application case oriented, and to focus on collaboration projects involving academic and industrial partners who take care about these challenges. The goal of the workshop is then to promote new ideas, principles and to generate new collaborations between participants to converge towards smart and sustainable networks.
Call for Contributing Papers
Original submissions, with explicit contributions to these topics are invited from both academic and industrial researchers and practitioners. Papers dealing with Smart and Sustainable systems and organizations (challenges and issues, needs and expected values, …), Performance evaluation and Optimization of these systems, System science and System thinking approaches, are welcome.
The types of contributions can focus on:
- Crossing theories, advices and practices: Social, Environmental and Engineering Sciences
- Applied research papers, notably with focus on digitalisation: Applied data science, AI, Virtual and Augmented reality, Digital Twins
- Case studies, return of experience and best practices reports
Accepted contributions will follow the same reviewing process that PRO-VE’2021 and will be included in the proceedings of the conference. A special issue in an international journal is currently studied to promote extended versions of these papers.
Workshop organisation and venue
This workshop will take place in Saint-Etienne being a specific moment of the PRO-VE’2021 conference, the November, 23rd 2021.
Considering topics listed above, it will consist in:
- Industrial and scientific session of the workshop (part 1) – Needs / Challenges / State of the Art (9.00 to 11.00): to present and illustrate challenges and needs, to introduce SoA putting in light past and current works.
- This first session will be followed by an industrial keynote in relation with the workshop thematic, programmed jointly with PRO-VE’2021 general conference
- Industrial and scientific session of the workshop (part 2) – Ongoing collaborative works (14.00 to 16.00): to present collaboration(s) project(s) between academic and industrial partners addressing these challenges and needs.
- Panel Session / Round table (16.00 to 17h30): Organized jointly with SOCOLNET Scientific Society, the panel session will bring senior researchers and key industrial actors to pave the road for boosting a more sustainable industry, by strengthening new forms of collaborations between academics and enterprises.
Submission procedure and important dates
In the Industrial and scientific sessions (part 1 and 2), each contributor will dispose of 25 mn long presentation followed by a Q/R short period. Each of the two sessions will integrate a 30 mn exchange slot in order to open discussion with present people.
The industrial workshop follows PRO-VE'2021 reviewing process:
- Short abstracts submission (150 words), to be submitted directly to the chair of the workshop: March, 15th, 2021.
- Full papers submission (PRO-VE website): April, 16th, 2021
- Acceptance Notice: May, 31st, 2021
- Camera Ready Submission: June, 20st, 2021
Acceptance of papers is based on the full paper (up to 8 pages). Each paper will be evaluated by three members of the International Program Committee. When submitting on the web site, you have to indicate the name of the Workshop. Submission procedure is available on: www.pro-ve.org, with copy by email to the chairs of the workshop.
Contacts: chairs
Carlo Leardi, TETRAPAK / AISE, Carlo.Leardi@incose.org (Italy)
Xavier Delorme, EMSE, IMT Mines St Etienne, delorme@emse.fr (France)
Vincent Chapurlat, IMT Mines Alès / AFIS, vincent.chapurlat@mines-ales.fr (France)
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